Friday, March 13, 2009

mcm crafts, geekdom

This desk was one of this year's coolest finds so far... we were looking for a McCobb kind of desk, but in addition to not really being able to find one easily attainable or not outrageously expensive, we abandoned the search of local antiques stores and went to one of the local thrift stores to maybe improve our spirits. Honestly the only reason I know who that guy, Paul McCobb, is or what kinds of desks he made is because I google imaged "mid century desk"  and his name popped up as the designer of what I was looking for. Anyways, we were at the thrift store, my girlfriend AJ and I, and while looking around at the weird things on display, began to look at the displays - they all seemed to be tables below hip height with huge tablecloths on them, and interesting legs underneath. Curious, we began to lift up the cloths to find a bunch of gems - boxy curvy art decoey desks, big heavy metal but moderney desks, and after inspecting almost all of them, finally got to the one above. As a reference, I'll provide an image of the McCobb desk we were originally shooting for, in the context of someone else's life:

As you can see, the simple asymmetric design, tapered legs (long angled and short center-placed ones), and easy, pleasing lines all add up to an excellent piece of furniture. A piece of furniture that retails at artsy modernism stores for around $1000. 


So back to the thrift store - AJ and I found the desk - the first one, with easily acceptable departures from the McCobb goal, for $25. And it looks great! To its left, by the way, and for purposes of reference, is a Burke chair, and above it is a big sewing and pattern making table.

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